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Patterns of Exposition (18th Edition/ Paperback) - Robert A. Schwegler


by 황금성SD 2020. 7. 23. 15:55



Patterns of Exposition (18th Edition/ Paperback) - Robert A. Schwegler

저자 : Robert A. Schwegler

ISBN : 9780321409218

출판사 : Longman

출판일 : 20091108


Incorporating readings that represent new voices and styles in nonfiction that will appeal to contemporary readers, this classic composition reader continues to provide engaging, instructive models of the rhetorical modes.

For first year writing/ composition courses.

Incorporating readings representing new voices and styles in nonfiction that will appeal to contemporary readers, this classic composition reader continues to provide engaging, instructive models of the rhetorical modes.

Fourteen new selections appear in this respected modes

-based reader, continuing its tradition of offering high

-quality, accessible readi...

해야 할 것을 하라. 모든 것은 타인의 행복을 위해서, 동시에 특히 나의 행복을 위해서이다. – 톨스토이


Patterns of Exposition (18th Edition/ Paperback) - Robert A. Schwegler

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