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Stained Glass (Paperback) - Vicki Payne


by 황금성SD 2020. 8. 5. 04:55



Stained Glass (Paperback) - Vicki Payne

저자 : Vicki Payne

ISBN : 9781402716874

출판사 : Sterling

출판일 : 20041001

Colorful panels, window ornaments, terrific tabletop accessories, gleaming garden cloches: if you’ve admired the beauty of stained glass, but thought it was something you couldn’t make?think again.

Not only are the techniques for both copper foil and mosaic stained glass completely demystified here, but each of the 25 projects takes only an afternoon to complete.

You’ll quickly learn how to choose...

내 비장의 무기는 아직 손안에 있다 .그것은 희망이다 – 나폴레옹


Stained Glass (Paperback) - Vicki Payne

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