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What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence (Hardcover) - Schwarzman, Steven A.


by 황금성SD 2020. 8. 16. 13:55



What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence (Hardcover) - Schwarzman, Steven A.

저자 : Schwarzman, Steven A.

ISBN : 9781501158148

출판사 : Avid Reader Pr

출판일 : 20190917

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFrom Blackstone chairman, CEO, and co

-founder Stephen A.

Schwarzman, a long

-awaited book that uses impactful episodes from Schwarzmans life to show readers how to build, transform, and lead thriving organizations.

Whether you are a student, entrepreneur, philanthropist, executive, or simply someone looking for ways to maximize your potential, the same lessons apply.


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What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence (Hardcover) - Schwarzman, Steven A.

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