Understanding Morphology (Paperback/ 2nd Ed.) - Martin Haspelmath,Andrea D. Sims
저자 : Martin Haspelmath,Andrea D. Sims
ISBN : 9780340950012
출판사 : Oxford University Press
출판일 : 20100728
Now fully revised in line with the latest research, each chapter includes a summary, suggestions for further reading, and exercises.
As such this is the ideal book for both beginning students of linguistics, or anyone in a related discipline looking for a first introduction...
This new edition of Understanding Morphology has been fully revised in line with the latest research.
It now includes big picture questions to highlight central themes in morphology, as well as research exercises for each chapter.
Understanding Morphology presents an introduction to the study of word structure that starts at the very beginning.
Assuming no knowledge of the field of morphology on...
당신은 모든 사람들을 잠시 동안 속일 수 있다. 그리고 어떤 사람들을 항상 속일 수는 있다. 그러나 모든 사람들을 항상 속일 수는 없다. - 에이브러햄 링컨 -
Understanding Morphology (Paperback/ 2nd Ed.) - Martin Haspelmath,Andrea D. Sims
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