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Longman Academic Writing Series 3: Paragraphs to Essays (Paperback / 4th Ed.) - Oshima, Alice/ Hogue, Ann


by 황금성SD 2020. 5. 9. 14:02



Longman Academic Writing Series 3: Paragraphs to Essays (Paperback / 4th Ed.) - Oshima, Alice/ Hogue, Ann

저자 : Oshima, Alice/ Hogue, Ann

ISBN : 9780134663326

출판사 : Pearson Education

출판일 : 20130819




- ADVANCED) 총 5단계 구성 TEACHER’S MANUAL 파일 제공 : TEACHING SUGGESTIONS, ANSWER KEYS, RUBRICS, QUIZZES 포함 and lt;시리즈 개요 and gt; LONGMAN ACADEMIC WRITING SERIES는 대학 수준의 학습자들이 학업에 필요한 ACADEMIC 글쓰기 능력을 성공적으로...

The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers.

The five

-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers.

Each level covers the complete writing process from prewriting to revision.

Level 3 teaches intermediate students to write various genres of academic paragraphs and essays.


사랑하고 사랑 받는 것은 태양을 양쪽에서 쪼이는 것과 같다. - 비스코트


Longman Academic Writing Series 3: Paragraphs to Essays (Paperback / 4th Ed.) - Oshima, Alice/ Hogue, Ann

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