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Haring (Hardcover) - Kolossa, Alexandra


by 황금성SD 2020. 5. 30. 13:02



Haring (Hardcover) - Kolossa, Alexandra

저자 : Kolossa, Alexandra

ISBN : 9783836530491

출판사 : Taschen America Llc

출판일 : 20160713


One of the key figures in the New York art world of the 1980s, Keith Haring (1958

-1990) created a signature style that blended street art, graffiti, a Pop sensibility, and cartoon elements to unique, memorable effect.

With thick black outlines, bright colors, and kinetic...

Art is for Everybody: The artist as activistOne of the key figures in the New York art world of the 1980s, Keith Haring (1958─1990) created a signature style that blended street art, graffiti, Pop, and cartoon elements to unique, memorable effect.

With thick black outlines, bright colors, and kinetic figures, his public (and occasionally illegal) interventions, sculptures, and works on canvas and ...

살아 있는 실패작은 죽은 걸작보다 낫다. - 버나드 쇼


Haring (Hardcover) - Kolossa, Alexandra

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