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Stretch 1: Workbook (Paperback) - Oxford University Press (COR)


by 황금성SD 2020. 6. 20. 07:02



Stretch 1: Workbook (Paperback) - Oxford University Press (COR)

저자 : Oxford University Press (COR)

ISBN : 9780194603249

출판사 : Oxford University Press

출판일 : 20140717

When you stretch to reach new goals, you need support.

Stretch provides a comprehensive support system and a unique 6 skills approach to help students meet their personal, academic and professional goals.

Stretch is a four

-level integrated skills course that supports students to reach their full potential.

In addition to explicit and supportive instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writi...

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Stretch 1: Workbook (Paperback) - Oxford University Press (COR)

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