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The Short Prose Reader (Paperback/ 13th Ed.) - Gilbert Muller, Harvey Wiener


by 황금성SD 2020. 6. 30. 14:22



The Short Prose Reader (Paperback/ 13th Ed.) - Gilbert Muller, Harvey Wiener

저자 : Gilbert Muller, Harvey Wiener

ISBN : 9781259008047

출판사 : McGraw-Hill

출판일 : 20120402

This rhetorically organized reader, maintains the best features of the earlier editions: lively reading selections supported by helpful apparatus to integrate reading and writing in college composition and reading courses.

In working through the text, the student progresses from key aspects of the writing and reading processes to chapters on the essential patterns of writing and then to more rigor...

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The Short Prose Reader (Paperback/ 13th Ed.) - Gilbert Muller, Harvey Wiener

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