Geotechnical Engineers Portable Handbook (Paperback / 2nd Ed.) - Robert Day
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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (softcover) - Christopher M. Bishop
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Business Marketing Management: B2B (Paperback / 11th Ed.) - Michael D. Hutt,Thomas W. Speh
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Callens Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Hardcover / 6th Ed.) - Norton, Mary E.
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Problems and Solutions in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information (Hardcover/ 3rd Ed.) - Willi-Hans Steeb,Yorick Hardy
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Essentials of Geology (Paperback / 3rd Ed.) - Stephen Marshak
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The Stem Cell Hope: How Stem Cell Medicine Can Change Our Lives (Paperback) - Alice Park
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Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners (Paperback) - Anne Burns
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The Element (Paperback/ Reprint) - Robinson, Ken/ Aronica, Lou
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Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms (Hardcover) - David J. C. MacKay
2020.06.19 by 황금성SD